The following is a breakdown of the steps that all Webrageous Studios’ PPC Managers follow before even thinking about pressing the “go” button and launching a new PPC campaign.

If you contract Webrageous Studios to manage your PPC Advertising needs then you can be sure that your expert Google AdWords Certified PPC Manager will comply with the following, step by step, before launching your PPC campaign. Working in this way makes each Webrageous Studios’ PPC Client feel much happier, much more relaxed and much more included in the process and development of their PPC Advertising.

The Webrageous Studios’ PPC Pre-Launch Check-List, therefore, is as follows. Every PPC Manager promises to:

1. Review all e-mails between them and the Webrageous supervisor and the Webrageous client. They will verify that all the details discussed in these emails have been addressed.

2. Review all of their notes taken from discussions with David and all notes taken from the PPC client. They will then verify that all of these details have been addressed too.

3. Review a keyword report from the past 12 months and sort this report by the number of conversions and by the total cost. They will verify which keywords are the top 30 to 50 keywords included in the new campaign. They will make sure that the PPC client’s bids are accurate. (They are also under strict instructions to not target competitor keywords).

4. Review all campaign settings of the old campaigns and the new campaign.

5. Look at all advertisements in the new campaign using the AdWords Editor. They will sort by title, then by description line 1, then description line 2, destination URL and finally by display URL. Once this has been done, they will quickly scan and search for any glaringly obvious problems in this area.

6. Look at all keywords in the new campaign and sort by keywords. They will then perform a quick scan from top to bottom to search for any problems that they may have missed before.

7. Review the old campaign once more. At this point they will be keeping in mind the major problems that plagued the campaign before and they will be sure to address those issues in minute detail.

8. Keep the PPC Client´s cost per conversion goal in mind and they will be sure to have a strategy for exceeding this goal. (They will take action immediately if they are off course for meeting these goals once the campaign has been launched.)

9. Look at all the negative keywords in the new campaign and they will make sure that they are appropriate.

Webrageous Studios prides itself on having a team of dedicated staff who are highly trained professionals. Part of the reason for this is the fact that all of its PPC Managers are well directed from the top down and check-lists like the one above are refined and followed to the letter without question at all times.

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